Preschool Activity Ideas for February
Here are some fun resources, activities, and engaging ideas for you to celebrate throughout the month of February. February is a month that’s a tad shorter than the rest but still packed with fun and important holidays! February is a great month to focus on love, friendships, community, and dental health.
Post Office
Where would we be without the post office? What better time than February to talk to your preschoolers about the important role the post office plays in our everyday life. And, preschoolers love getting mail. Our free post office theme page is full of fun activities and crafts to teach your preschoolers more about the mail system. You can also check out our related resources, and books picks for this theme!
Valentine's Day
Love is in the air, which means this month is filled with hearts, love, and discussing the importance of family and friends! Our Valentine's theme is loaded with crafts, activities, and resources that your preschoolers will love. Below you will find some of the activities that are must-try throughout February. Don't forget to grab thesefree Valentine's Day Play Dough mats!
Valentine's Slime
Guess Whose Smile
Valentine Suncatcher
Dental Health
Dental health is one of those themes that is packed with soooo many hidden activities that are awesome. It is a theme that is both educational and super engaging for preschool students. It's a great time to try activities like painting with a toothbrush and discussing the importance of good dental health. A dental health theme is perfect for celebrating in February since it's National Dental Health Month. If you are looking for more dental health activities, our Dental Health activity pack has many options for you to incorporate with your preschoolers.
Dental Office Dramatic Play
Often times the dentist can be a scary place for young children. It's different than going to the doctor as it's a bit invasive. But, setting up a dentist office in your classroom can help preschoolers ease their worries and be excited about going to the dentist.
Toothbrush Painting
While you are exploring community helpers this month, why not learn more about Librarians and Libraries? A trip to the library will break up the monotony of a long wintry day.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is celebrate in February. Teach your preschoolers all about this important holiday with activities from the Chinese New Year Activities Pack. Or, celebrate the New Year with creating your own Chinese restaurant.
Rattle Drum Craft
Groundhog Day
Will there be 6 more weeks of winter? Only the groundhog knows! Celebrate this fun holiday with your students on February 2nd. Be sure to download our Free Groundhog Day activity pack! Your students will love participating in the group survey, and learning more about groundhogs. This holiday is also a great introductions to discussing seasons and hibernation.
Woodland Forest Animals
After celebrating Groundhog's Day you can dive into a woodland animals theme to learn about some of a groundhog's friends. This is a great theme for encouraging your preschoolers to learn more about nature. Be sure to check out our recommended Forest Books! Books are a great way to introduce your preschoolers to new animals and habitats.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month, and a time to celebrate achievements of Black people throughout our history. Check out our Black Inventors and Science activity pack for some great activities to help your preschoolers learn about some very important contributions that changed American Life.
Presidents Day
February 21st is President's Day. The concept of presidents can be a confusing topic for our preschoolers but with fun and simple activities it can be a great learning experience. Grab a few books and dive into this topic! And, ask your preschooler what they would do if they were president...a fun and hilarious activity! Acut and paste activity can be a helpful way to introduce the foundations of our presidents.
Every year the Super Bowl is hosted during the month of February. Whether you have little football fans on your hands or not, this month is a great time to introduce football and sports into your classrooms. And, what an excellent opportunity to teach your students about a classic American tradition.
Pizza Day
National Pizza Day is definitely a holiday that I am on board with. An excuse to eat a delicious piece of pizza, yum! Your preschoolers will love creating their own pizza parlor to celebrate National Pizza Day on February 9th.
National Weatherman's Day
National Polar Bear Day
February 27th is National Polar Bear Day and to celebrate I have included thisfreebie for your students to practice numerical order in fun arctic animal themes.
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