Robot Themed Books for PreschoolersRobots are so fascinating, especially to preschoolers because they look awesome and spark their imaginations. Robots make learning fun with all their techy gadgets and games. Plus, robots star in lots of exciting stories and adventures that kids love! Robot books bring preschoolers into all different types of adventures and opportunities to learn about all of the different aspects of a robot's world. Today, we're sharing a list of our favorite robot books that you should add to your bookshelf!
Cement Photo Holder Preschool CraftA wet cement photo holder is the perfect preschool craft that doubles as a mini lesson in science. Preschoolers love making crafts, there are so many fun art mediums for them to explore. Go beyond the typical paint, clay, and paper crafts with an engaging experiment with cement.
One thing preschoolers love even more is making crafts they get to gift to their parents, grandparents, and friends! Little ones love gift giving, especially when they get to make it themselves. Wet Cement Oobleck Preschool RecipePreschoolers will love this simple and fun wet cement oobleck recipe! Do you remember being a young kid and writing your initials into wet cement? It was such a cool experience watching it dry and revisiting years and years later. Unfortunately, wet cement isn't exactly a preschool friendly activity but we've found the perfect recipe to mimic wet cement.
Preschool Building PostersSo much learning happens in the Block or Construction center in the classroom. Add these posters to your construction space to inspire the children in your care. This is a fun center where children can have fun while working on dexterity, fine motor skills, problem-solving, a variety of math and science skills, hand-eye-coordination, and creative expression.
Essential Picture Books to Help Preschoolers Overcome Common ChallengesAs preschoolers embark on a new school year, they often encounter a range of emotions and challenges. From separation anxiety to making friends, these experiences can be daunting for little ones. Fortunately, picture books serve as powerful tools to help children understand and navigate these common challenges. We encourage preschool teachers to check these titles out at their local library, and for convenience, we’ve included non-affiliate links to each book. Here’s a curated list of picture books that tackle various preschool issues, providing both comfort and valuable lessons.
Sand Dough Preschool Sensory Play RecipeYour preschoolers are going to love this unique play dough sensory play recipe.
The texture is a fun new exploration that will keep them engaged in fine motor fun. And it's simple to make, keep reading for step by step instructions. |
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