Open Ended Art: Easter Egg PrintingPlastic eggs and open-ended art...sounds like a fun opportunity for a preschooler to explore. Preschoolers love using non-art materials to explore, it allows them to think outside of the box and understand that art can be made from so many different things. This open-ended Easter egg printing activity is an excellent way to use those plastic eggs with paint for a chance to explore.
Easter Sensory Play Ideas for PreschoolersLooking for fun and engaging Easter sensory play ideas for your preschooler? Check out these sensory activities that will keep your little one entertained for hours! From fluffy Easter-themed playdough to colorful sensory bins filled with eggs and bunnies, these hands-on experiences will provide a multisensory learning experience. Get ready for some egg-citing and egg-straordinary Easter sensory play fun with your little bunnies!
10+ Ways to Re-use Plastic Easter EggsLooking for ways to reuse those plastic Easter eggs? Since those little eggs seem to multiply we've searched the web to find multiple ways to reuse those plastic eggs in your early childhood classroom.
I hope you enjoy the inspiration from amazing creators all over the web. Be sure to click on the photo to visit the original source for more information and ideas. Dissolving Peeps Preschool SciencePeeps are more than just a delicious treat. They are great for science experiments. Spring is the perfect time to grab two packs of these squishy chicks, one to enjoy and one for a fun experiment that preschoolers will love!
Spring Preschool Sorting MatsThese sets of Sorting Mats are perfect for children to practice their sorting skills this Spring! Learning to sort and classify date is a skill that children start to naturally develop very early in life.
Practicing these skills is important for preschoolers as they develop a solid foundation for learning more complex math and science skills later on. Sorting is also a great time to talk about different shapes, colors, letters, sizes and other differences in objects. Easter Preschool ActivitiesEaster is around the corner! There are so many fun and hands-on activities you can do with your preschoolers while they anxiously await the arrival of the Easter bunny. Below you will find some of our most popular Easter activities to bring into your classroom this spring.
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