Recycled Art Ideas for PreschoolersUsing recyclables in preschool art invitations is a great way to explore a variety of art mediums, textures, and a great way to create 3D and process art. Teaching preschoolers the value in using recycled materials not only engages creative thinking skills, it also teaches the importance of being kind to Earth and is great for art on a budget.These art invitations are especially great to include with your Recycling and Earth Day Theme as preschoolers get first hand experience in transforming unwanted items into a special piece of art! Reduce, reuse, and recycle are three essential aspects we teach preschoolers starting at a young age. Using recycled material in art and play is a great way to put those practices into action! If you have an Earth Day celebration or are incorporating an Earth Theme in your classroom, these art projects will fit right in. There are a ton of fun projects to make, from bottle caps, cereal boxes and all those leftover Amazon packages! Below is a list of ways to reuse materials to create masterpieces. Stamping with Recyclables
Newspaper Painting Another great activity with re-used material is a newspaper painting activity. Have your preschoolers collect a few recycled newspapers from home to bring into the classroom. Encourage scissor skill development by having them cut out pieces to glue on their paper. After gluing the strips, invite them to explore with watercolors on their paper. Teacher tip: Depending on skill level, you might want to have strips cut prior to beginning the project. Paper Plate Crafts
Painting with Flowers
Drop Art
Bottle Cap Art & Crafts
Dinosaur FeetPreschoolers love dinosaurs, especially when they get to pretend to be one. Create your own dinosaur feet with empty tissue boxes. One thing preschool teachers aren't lacking is empty tissue boxes! Let your preschoolers paint the empty box and teachers can assist by adding on cut-up sponges for the spiky toes. If you are planning a dinosaur theme in the near future, this is the perfect recycled art project to include. Magnet Painting
Egg Carton Caterpillars
Pendulum Painting
Paper Towel Roll ArtPull out that collection of empty paper towel rolls and a few different paint colors. Let your preschoolers roll the empty tubes through different colors of paint onto their paper. A simple yet fun process art activity for preschoolers. **Teacher Tip: try sticking on foam stickers or drizzling hot glue on the empty tubes to add some texture to the project. Make your own paper and crayons
Recycled CollageOne of the simplest and easiest ways to let preschoolers express their creativity is by simply allowing them to choose their materials. Gather used buttons, caps, fabrics, tissue paper, and any other items you'd like. Then, simply lay them out and let preschoolers gather to glue onto paper to create their own recycled collage. Next time you are considering heading to the craft store for art supplies, take a look around your home and classroom to find recycled materials that can turn into some pretty fun and unique projects for your preschoolers! You Might Also Like: |
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