Fall Arts and Crafts for PreschoolersFall is in the air! These fall preschool art and craft activities are perfect for preschoolers who are anxious to celebrate the changing leaves and all of the fun fall brings. We’ve included so many ideas from apples to pumpkins to leaves and acorns. Your preschoolers will enjoy these fall arts & craft suggestions that are perfect for the classroom and at home. Arts & Crafts activities are not only fun, but they’re also great for developing important skills such as, learning to follow step-by-step directions and fostering independence. These fall arts & crafts activities are great for learning about the changing season the welcoming of fall. Apple Arts & Crafts Activities for Preschoolers Fall is the perfect time to dive into all things apple! We have some fun and creative apple craft suggestions for your preschoolers to try. Apple Stained Glass Window
Apple Pie Paper Plate CraftApple Stamping
Fall, Leaves and Trees Arts & Crafts Activities What better way to celebrate fall than with crafts centered around leaves? Preschoolers love heading outdoors to collect leaves so take it one step further with some leaf centered art projects! Splatter Paint with Leaves
Farm Arts & Crafts Activities The fall is often filled with visits to farms and pumpkin patches making this the perfect opportunity to explore farm crafts. Painting With HayFire Safety Arts & Crafts Activities October is Fire Safety Month which makes this the perfect opportunity to combine art with a safety lesson. Flame Painting Tutorial
Halloween Arts & Crafts Activities One of the best parts of all is HALLOWEEN! Halloween offers the opportunity to do so many fun projects and crafts. Ghost Cookie Cutter StampingWitch Broom PaintingNocturnal Animals Arts & Crafts Activities Creating nocturnal animal crafts for the fall is a fantastic way to engage in creative activities while learning about these creatures. Coffee Filter Bats
Shadow DrawingShadow drawing is a great way for preschoolers to practice their drawing skills. Place your plastic animals into the sun and have your preschoolers trace their shadows. Black Play Dough 3D Creations
Pumpkins The fall definitely means all things pumpkin! It's also a fun opportunity to explore seasonal changes in nature, and it introduces preschoolers to concepts of growth, harvest, and the life cycle of plants. Squish and Twist Color Mixing Pumpkin
Pom-Pom Pumpkin StampingPour Paint Pumpkins
Scarecrows, Corn, and CrowTeach your preschoolers all about the importance of scarecrows protecting corn from crows with these interactive and super cute crafts perfect for the fall! Corn Cob Painting
Crow Craft
SpidersSpiders are kinda just a fall staple aren't they? Whether it's in decorations or crawling around outside. These creepy crawlers are much better when they're pretend! Spider Web Painting
Spider Web TreatSquirrels and AcornsPreschoolers are often fascinated by these bushy-tailed friends that are very active in the fall. This set of crafts is a great way to learn about animals with a fall theme still in mind. Blow Paint Squirrel Craft
Painting with AcornsTurkey and ThanksgivingCelebrate Thanksgiving and Turkeys with this long-list of crafts perfect for wrapping up the fall season. You can pick a few from this long list of Turkey crafts. Pairing books with crafts is a great way to extend a lesson, we highly recommend Turkey Trouble Book along with this free book companion. Paint with Turkey BastersTurkey Tracks
Veterans/Remembrance DayOne of the best ways to teach preschoolers about important holidays is through books, crafts, and art projects. Invite your preschoolers to make headbands, bookmarks, and a keepsake all available inside this Remembrance Day free download. Through different modes of learning you can help preschoolers understand the significance behind the various holidays we celebrate. Take a look at this Veteran's Day Blog post filled with ideas and recommendations on bringing this holiday into your classroom. You May Also Like:
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