Apple Pie Playdough Recipe for PreschoolersAn Apple Pie Play dough recipe is the perfect addition to your fall schedules especially during an apple theme!Preschool is filled with activities and learning experiences that allow children to explore, learn, and develop through hands-on activities. As a preschool teacher, you understand the importance of engaging and stimulating their senses. What better way to do this than by creating a homemade play dough that not only entertains but also delights their sense of smell? Play dough is really easy to make and it's a great opportunity to include your preschoolers in the process demonstrating the importance of following directions. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of making a sensory-rich Apple Pie Play dough that will have your little learners' excited and eager to play! IngredientsHere's what you'll need:
Let's Get Started:Before you get started on this fun-filled sensory experience, let's make sure you have all the necessary supplies ready. Once all of your ingredients are gathered then you can get cooking! Begin by combining the flour, salt, cream of tartar, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a saucepan. Use a whisk to thoroughly blend these dry ingredients together. Once the dry ingredients are well-mixed, add in the vegetable oil, red food color, and water. Continue to whisk the mixture until you achieve a smooth and consistent texture. Place the saucepan on the stove-top over medium heat. Keep stirring the mixture continuously as it heats up. You'll notice the mixture starting to thicken and pull away from the sides of the pot. This step requires patience and constant attention. Many preschool classrooms don't have stoves so you may need to step into your school kitchen if you have access. As the mixture thickens and takes on the consistency of play dough, continue to stir to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking. The fragrance of nutmeg and cinnamon will begin to fill the air, and you'll definitely notice the wonderful smell! If your preschoolers are nearby this is a great time to ask questions about the experience: -What do you smell? -Is it a familiar smell? -What does it remind you of? -Are there any foods that smell similar to this scent? Once the mixture is sufficiently thickened and cooked, remove the saucepan from the heat. Allow the dough to cool down slightly until it's safe to handle. Now comes the exciting part! Place the warm play dough onto a clean, flat surface. Knead it gently to ensure a smooth texture. Encourage your preschoolers to join in the fun and explore the dough with their hands. As they squish and mold the playd ough, they will definitely begin to smell the deliciousness of this play dough! The Apple Pie Play dough is not just about molding and shaping. Engage your students' senses by talking about the scent, discussing the vibrant color, and letting them explore the different textures. Encourage imaginative play by suggesting they create their own mini apple pies, cinnamon buns, or other delicious treats! We hope you enjoyed this recipe and have fun using it in with your preschoolers this year! You May Also Like:
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