Preschool Fall Themes and Activities
Your Preschoolers will love exploring these fall themes! There is so much to observe in fall, from apples to preparing for winter.
Below, you can find some of my favorite fall topics to explore with preschoolers, along with my free printable preschool fall list. Inside this free resource you'll find suggested fall themes to explore, and a list of fall inspiration. Looking for more themes? Check out our complete list of theme pages here.
All About Me
Back to school time is a great time to explore an all about me theme. Managing feelings can be tough! This is a great time of year to explore feelings and emotions, learn more about our body, and how to take care of it.
Friendship & Kindness
Sharing, teamwork, and communicating my needs are great ways to make a new friend. A Friendship and Kindness theme is great any season of the year, but especially relevant for the beginning of the school year.
Trees & Leaves
If you are lucky enough to have deciduous trees near you, now is a great time to admire the leaves changing colors. As the leaves, change and fall to the ground you can investigate them, sort them. and rake them!
From apple picking to baking so much goodness to come from apples. During an apple them you can explore the life cycle of an apple, investigate apples, and taste apple cider and apple pie- oh my!
FarmOld McDonald had farm E-I-E-I-O, and on his farm he had so many animals and a big red barn! For your farm theme you can learn more about the animals that live there, and the chores that need to be taken care of. It's also a great time to explore how food arrives to our table by setting up your own farmers market.
Fire Safety
October is Fire Safety Month! This is a great time to explore fire safety in a fun and exciting way. Conduct a fire drill, learn how to stop drop and roll, call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency and practice your address and phone number.
Nocturnal Animals
Introduce your preschooler to nocturnal animals including owls, bats, and raccoons. Learning about nocturnal animals is exciting because we don’t often get a chance to observe them like diurnal animals that are awake during the day.
Preschoolers are fascinated by Spiders-the life of a spider is a busy one. For your Spider theme, you can practice counting all 8 legs, and weaving webs. You can even set up your own spider exhibit to teach others more about arachnids.
If you’ve ever been to a pumpkin patch, you’ve probably seen pumpkins of all sizes. There are so many ways to create learning experiences using pumpkins! You can weigh them, and investigate what's inside. You can also make pumpkin pies, or even your own small world play pumpkin patch.
Squirrels & Acorns
Have you ever sat and watched a squirrel? During fall you can catch them running so fast! Up, down, and all around to gather food for a long winters nap. Fall is a great time to explore squirrels and acorns!
Family & My Home
Fall is a great time to learn more about families and homes! During this topic you can talk about family members, share about how you care for each other, and discuss what types of activities you enjoy doing together, and what makes your family unique. Learn more about a home! Learn your address, learn more about the rooms in your home, and how to care for it! It's also a great time to learn more about your neighborhood, and how to be a good neighbor.
Turkey’s & Thanksgiving
Gobble gobble, wobble wobble, from turkeys, to setting the table, there is just so much to explore learn all about Thanksgiving! This is a great time learn about being thankful, and dinner table manners. Many families are traveling this time of year! It's also a great time to explore and talk about airports.
Winter Clothes & Staying Warm
As the temperatures start to drop towards the end of fall, it's a great time to introduce a transitional theme like Winter Clothes and Staying warm. It's a great time to practice putting on boots, and mittens, and learning how to zip up coats. During this theme you can also explore winter animals, and how they stay warm.
Fall Observances and Holidays
Be sure to download my free fall theme planning guide below for more inspiration and monthly holiday lists!
You may be celebrating some of these fall observances and holidays:
September Holidays to Explore: Labor Day, 9/11 Remembrance, Grandparents Day,
October Holidays to Explore: Columbus Day, Fire Prevention Week, Halloween
November Holidays to Explore: Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Hanukkah
You may be celebrating some of these fall observances and holidays:
September Holidays to Explore: Labor Day, 9/11 Remembrance, Grandparents Day,
October Holidays to Explore: Columbus Day, Fire Prevention Week, Halloween
November Holidays to Explore: Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Hanukkah