Tips for Finding Childcare ClientsFinding new clients for as a childcare provider can be a challenge. Childcare providers have often exhausted what feels like all of their resources when it comes to gaining new clients and families for their childcare settings. We have listed a few tips that we recommend when it comes to finding new clients. Communicate effectively When you advertise your business you are communicating what type of service you are offering. Include what makes you unique! Do you have a unique philosophy, do you offer activities others in your area don't? Be sure to include them. Provide clear information (Exact number of openings, ages you will accept, etc). Be sure to include:The Name of your business, Your location, and your Contact information (Phone, Email, etc). Often times parents want to do a little research on your program before contacting you, so be sure to include links to any Websites/Your FB page for your business when posting. Word of mouth Many people prefer to have a referral from a friend or family member when they are seeking a childcare provider. Start with friends, family and existing clients. Get the word out that you have openings. Don't forget to let your neighbors know, and other people you are close with in your community. Local Community Resources Think about where you go to find out what's happening locally in your community:
County/State Resources *Check Facebook groups for County/State Wide Childcare Listing groups to post your openings in *Make sure you are listed with your local resource and referral group. Outside the box There are a lot of clever ways to get your name out in the community, and you should do these things even if you don't have openings.
Advice from fellow Providers"Word of mouth is always best, but not always possible, especially if you're newer or moved into a new area. I've had great luck with local Facebook boards-buy/sell boards, childcare boards, community boards, etc. Craigslist? Yeah, it works but you have to be VERY careful. I currently have one little from Craigslist and she's been with me 2 1/2 years. Hers was the ideal situation. There are a lot of flakes out there though." - Cathy M "References!"- Michelle C. "Being a member of our local early childhood chapter is helpful. Facebook sites, Parent References Childcare Peers Referrals As well." -Angela B. "Carnivals, festivals and fairs. Set up a table, hand out some goodies with your name on it. Participate in local parades with your children. Trunk or treats. Any events where parents are with their children." Rocelia P. "I use a Facebook page to advertise as well as hang fliers in local businesses for their own employees! Bc if they have kids and have a job they prob need care! I also carry business cards with me because it is amazing when you are out buying stuff for daycare and someone asks you about it and you tell them daycare then you can hand them a card with you page and whatever else." -Zchodae W. "My best advice would be to use a dedicated website for your child care marketing just like other businesses do. It's professional looking, you can include things like a blog, messages from previous customers recommendations,and an overview of your program. I give potential interviewers my website address so they can follow the blog for several days before interview. By the time they arrive for the interview they are drawn in by what they have seen. It is the best marketing tool I have found and my web hosting site that I use is free". -Julie K. "My advice is Craigslist, our local Child Care Association, references are great. My Facebook page and other local Facebook pages. Passing out cards, fliers, staying current with our resources and referral. Sign in my yard." -Adrianna D. "Ask your parents for referrals." - Jolene P. You May Also Like:
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