Camping Preschool Activity PackSleeping in tents, making S'mores, doing a little fishing and exploring in the outdoors....what's not to love about camping?? Support math and literacy early learning during this fun theme with the Pre-K Printable Fun Camping Activity Pack! Take a closer look inside this pack.....Campfire Shape Clip CardsPractice shape recognition while working on finger strength and dexterity with these campfire shape clip cards. Tent Shape Clip Cards These tent shape clip cards also include the written shape word to support literacy development along with shape recognition. Camping Literacy Cards Put these tracing cards in your writing center or set up on a tot tray with a dry-erase marker or small sand tray. Camping Shape Matching Puzzles Match each campfire shape to the tent of the same shape for some camp themed learning fun. Tent Color Matching Support color recognition, sorting, and one-to-one correspondence with this fun activity! **Teacher Tip: Set this activity up as a file folder game for easy access anytime Camping Activity Match-up There are all kinds of fun things to do when camping! Match up the camping activities to the equipment needed for each. Roll a S'mores Shape Matching Game S'mores are one of the best parts of camping! Preschoolers will love engaging in this roll and build game that supports shape recognition and turn taking. Camping Pre-Writing/Cutting Practice Practice following lines on a page from top to bottom and from left to right to support pre-writing skills. Laminate and use with a dry-erase marker for repeat use. Or follow the line with a marker, then practice cutting with scissors. Lantern Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching File Folder Game Practice matching lowercase letters to uppercase letters with this fun file folder game. Counting Camp and Clip Cards Count up camping equipment to practice counting skills and number recognition. Add clothespins to support fine motor development. Day & Night Sorting Activity There are fun camping activities to be done both day and night! Sort fun activities by time of day with this sorting mat. Camping Puzzles 1-10 & 11-20 Practice number recognition and ordering skills with these number puzzles. Invite children to practice ordering from 1-10 and 11-20 Marshmallow Roasting Counting Mats 1-10 without Frames Use these frames to practice number recognition and counting skills. Use these mats with the included printable marshmallow counters, or use cotton balls or even real marshmallows for a yummy twist. Marshmallow Roasting Counting Mats 1-10 with Frames These counting mats are great for practicing 1:1 correspondence and number recognition. Place the marshmallow counters on top of the ones on the ten frame for counting fun. Tent and Backpack Sorting & Ordering by Size Preschoolers are learning to place objects in order by size. Invite your preschooler to put these tents and backpacks in order by size. These can also be used for patterning activities. Camping Patterning Learning simple patterns is an important skill for math and literacy development in preschoolers. What's Your Favorite Camping Activity Group Poll Take a group poll! Ask around and find out what camping activity friends or family members like the best. Camping 3-Part Cards 3-part cards are great for learning new vocabulary words. Use these as a matching activity to support literacy development and executive function skills. Camping Word Wall Cards These word wall camping cards can be used in gross motor games, in the writing center, to label camping gear and more. At the Campground I Spy....Above, Under, Beside, On top, Bottom, Over....Learning positional phrases is important for early learning. This fun game also supports literacy development!! Pre-K Printables CLub MembersLog in to download your products for free inside our shop listings! Not a member? Learn more about how you can join here! Shop this Pack |
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