Pineapple Science Activities
Investigating fruit like pineapples with preschoolers is a fun way to explore the scientific process! This set of Pineapple Science Activities is a great guide for investigating this royal fruit with your preschoolers.
This printable pack helps guide your exploration with investigations written out step-by-step and forms that preschoolers can use independently or with support from an adult.
Inside this 17-page PDF you will find:
Pineapple Plant Poster
Life Cycle of a Pineapple Poster
Life Cycle of a Pineapple cut and paste activity
Parts of a Pineapple poster
I can label the parts of a Pineapple
Pineapple Science Investigation
Will the Pineapple Sink or Float Experiment
What will happen if we plant the crown of the pineapple in water experiment
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