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- Pie Stand Dramatic Play Set
Pie Stand Dramatic Play Set
I'm so excited to share my Pie Stand Dramatic Play Set with you. Pie is the dessert of the season! From fresh apple pie to pumpkin pie after your Thanksgiving meal, this set will provide your little pastry chef with tons of fun.
I designed this set with flexibility in mind, You can choose to print from 3 different sizes of pie fixings (Small, Medium, and Large), and you can decide which material you want to use. This set can be used to create laminated paper pies, felt pies, and can even be used to create play dough "Pie Making" mats!
This 79 page Printable Pie Stand Play Set includes all of your pie fixings, as well as printable items to set up your Pie Stand.
This set includes 3 sizes of Pie Fixings: Small (4 pies to a sheet), Medium (2 pies to a sheet), and Large (one pie to a sheet).
The following pie fixings are included for each size:
- Pie Tin
- Bottom Crust
- Ready made Crust (Tin & Bottom Crust Combined)
- Apple
- Cherry
- Blueberry
- Pumpkin
- Raspberry
- Lemon
- 3-Top Crusts: Regular, Lattice, and Whipped
This set also includes the following signs for your Pie Stand Set-Up:
Welcome to the pie stand signs
Welcome to the pumpkin pie stand signs
Welcome to the apple pie stand signs
The Pie Stand is Open/Closed signs
Fresh Homemade Pie Sign
Baked with love/Free Samples Signs
Homemade Pies Small Med Large *Editable Prices
Homemade Pies Small Med Large-write in the prices
Pricing signs *$10 price is Editable and include write in blank
Pie Flavors Sign and pieces
3-Order Forms
Parts of a Pie poster
I can make a pie poster
Recipe Cards pgs.
Pie Flavors Tent Cards *2 Editable Tent Cards
Pie Fixings Tent Cards *1 Editable Tent Card
Pie Stand Labels *1 Editable Label
Pie Stand Jobs Posters and Badges
Pie Stand Bunting
Cover, directions, TOS, and graphics credit
Terms of use:
This download Single use only. Please do not make copies or share with other people.
This is only for Personal/non-commercial use. All Printables are copyrighted. This download may not be used to create items for sale or share.
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