This fun interactive mini-book supports young children as they begin to understand positional words and phrases. Understanding positional words and phrases is an important part of learning to follow directions for preschoolers. In this activity, children help the busy chipmunk move through the pages of the story according to the positional words used on the pages. What's included...Create a new tradition in your classroom this year, with this set of printable advent activity cards, and calendars. Encourage your students to participate in fun holidays traditions, and complete random acts of kindness all month long. This .zip file includes the following 3 .pdf activities: Advent Activity Cards Santa Advent Calendar Puzzle Christmas Tree Cut and Paste Calendar Take a closer look at these activities:
Are you looking to save time planning and preparing your December preschool activities? Below you can find an amazing collection of December activities shared by early childhood educators using Pre-K Printable Fun products!
Our activities can be used to create file folder games, tot trays, and placed inside learning centers to explore. Best of all 99% of them are intended to be re-used over and over saving you money in your program. Some of the popular December products include our: Deck the Halls activity pack. Sweet Treats activity pack & Santa's Helpers activity pack. For December dramatic play we recommend our: Santa's Workshop, Hot Chocolate Stand, and Movie Theater Dramatic play packs. Books for Kids All About Squirrels & AcornsLearning all about Squirrels and Acorns can be a fun adventure with sensational books to guide the way!
We've gathered some of the greatest books all about Squirrels and Acorns in one spot to make your planning easier. Preschool children will enjoy this Hanukkah Sequencing Story Set! Use this pack to create engaging hands on activities and help young children build literacy skills. What's Inside...Learning to identify and manage Feeling and Emotions is essential for preschoolers. It can be difficult for young children to identify their own feelings as well as what those feelings look like on other people. These Conversation Cards and Posters are a great tool for early childhood educators to use in teaching children to identify emotions. These cards and posters can be used both when children are experiencing a particular emotion as well as everyday to prepare children for experiencing feelings. These cards and posters are easy to use and can be used in a variety of ways! What's Included... |
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