Flower Shop Preschool Dramatic PlayCreating a Flower Shop is easy with my Flower Shop Dramatic Play Pack! This pack includes all of the signs, and printable props you'll need to set up your pretend play flower shop.
Preschoolers love to explore flowers. So many vibrant and beautiful colors, what's not to love? Preschoolers also love to engage in pretend play. Combining the two interests with a Flower Shop Dramatic Play Setup results in a joyful and engaging learning experience. Stamping With Recyclables Process Art ActivityUsing recyclables in art a great way to encourage preschoolers to re-use materials and find new and creative art tools. This plastic bottle stamping art project is a great invitation to introduce during your Earth Day & Recycling Theme. See our stamping invitation below to spark ideas for your own exploration!
Make Your Own Paper with PreschoolersPreschoolers use paper all the time for art experiences and developing important writing and literacy skills. Here is a fun way to use paper to also support scientific thinking! In this blog post we are going to show you a fun and pretty neat tutorial on making your own paper with your preschooler.
Preschool Calendar Time ActivitiesCalendar time in preschool is much more than learning about the days of the week, it’s an opportunity to spark curiosity, foster a sense of routine, and lay the groundwork for essential skills like counting, pattern recognition, and understanding the concept of time. Calendar time offers learning experiences that engage preschoolers while building peer relationships and strengthening social-emotional skills.
Make Your Own Crayons with PreschoolersCrayons are a fantastic first writing and creating tool for preschoolers. They come in a wide variety of colors, are fantastic for fine motor development and they're budget friendly. Broken crayons are inevitable, especially for young budding artists learning how much force to use and experimenting endlessly. Here is a great way to use up those broken pieces and make them new again.
Recycled Art Ideas for PreschoolersUsing recyclables in preschool art invitations is a great way to explore a variety of art mediums, textures, and a great way to create 3D and process art. Teaching preschoolers the value in using recycled materials not only engages creative thinking skills, it also teaches the importance of being kind to Earth and is great for art on a budget.These art invitations are especially great to include with your Recycling and Earth Day Theme as preschoolers get first hand experience in transforming unwanted items into a special piece of art!
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